We love volunteering at the Food Bank, sorting and packaging food in the warehouse. AEPC is proud to support the Food Bank's mission to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin by providing much needed food to hungry families and individuals. During our multiple shifts at the Food Bank, this year alone, we helped: 5,600 individuals by packing 11,200 lbs of frozen turkey breast; in 2 hours time we helped 35,000 kids by boxing 15,180 lbs of apples; 25,704 lbs of oranges boxed in 2 hours; 3,180 lbs of rice packaged with each lb representing 1 large individual or small family; 50,400 lbs of canned goods boxed. Every Year, 225,000 people rely on the help of the SF/Marin Food Bank and its volunteers, and we are happy to count ourselves among those volunteers for the last 7 years.